Unique Abilities Master List

20 min read

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Since many people have been asking which Unique Abilities (UAs) have already been taken, we have
put together a list of all abilities that are currently unavailable to new EGGs. It is a very long list, but
hopefully it will prove more user-friendly than having to open each and every EGG's sheet
from the Stat and Currency page.
We will try to keep up-to-date on this page!
ctrl+f to navigate between the stats

*UAs marked "UNCONFIRMED" belong to untimeskipped members.

Pain Share - Ulysses (STRENGTH ELDER)
Ulysses can project pain he feels onto any other living being within a reasonable distance.  He still feels the pain, but can increase it exponentially when he projects it if he wants to, possibly overloading the victim's pain receptors and causing it to go into shock.  Something as small as a horsefly sting on him can seem to his victim a tiger bite.

Water Hose - Dontali
Dontali's able to suck up water and most liquids into her trunk and spray them back at a powerful force.

Ambidextrous - Zanice
Along side her fore paws / arms her strength lies within her two prehensile tails, which she uses as a second pair of hands or feet when she wants to look taller or to spring off for an attack or to start climbing. This ability develops alongside her natural strength ability, and the spring action gets farther as her strength increases. She can also use her tails in a spin action and cup her front paws together in front of her to drill herself into the ground after a springing. As a newborn this doesn't get her very far and can only dig shallow holes.(i.e. Only get her head stuck in dirt)

Clamp - Achilles
Power is focused into the jaw.

Counterweight -Koyo
Koyo has the ability to lean back on his tail which allows him balance, the ability to kick furiously with his arms AND legs. As a newborn he can only stand on his tail for a short amount of time before losing balance.

Stuck like Glue -Shuga
Shuga can attach herself to any surface by a seemingly magnetic force which cannot be deactivated but by herself. This can make either the object or herself fly towards the other in a magnetic attachment - however, due to her relatively small mass, it is usually her who ends up flying to meet the surface. It only last for a few minutes at best and is sometimes activated on accident.

Has the ability to rapidly increase bloodflow to distribute oxygen and nutrients throughout his body to increase muscle strength, mainly in his arms and legs, for a set amount of time. (This causes his hands and legs to turn blue) Prolonged use causes him to get headaches.

Tail Chaser- Sharpie
Sharpie can grab onto the end of his tail with his mouth and spin rapidly, knocking into objects with added velocity

Vice Grip- Poyo
For a time, Poyo is able to grip much tighter onto something (about the force of a crocodile biting down)- meaning even if it writhes and wriggles around, he is unlikely to let it go

Go Go Dino Arms- Zuni
Zuni is able to stretch her arms and treat them as if they were made of rubber. The weight of the arms doesn't change, however, each arm itself has a lot of weight.

Portal - Buster (ELDER)
By punching two surfaces, Buster can create a portal (one as the entrance and the other as the exit) These are limited by time and take instant effect, much like how one would teleport.

Eyes On Me - Roger (ELDER)
Roger has the ability to captivate the attention of whoever happens to land their eyes on him. Helped out by the fact that his fur is already bright and eyecatching, he instills a hypnotic feeling of not being able to look away from him.

Steel Cage - Glinda
The ability to alter her internal structure to the density and strength of steel at will.

Shed Skin - Ix
Scales will come off her body to act as a shield. As a new born the scales break easily and take a lengthy time to regrow. If the scales aren't broken, they will return to her body.

Define Up - Fletcher
Induces sense of vertigo and all sense of direction is spun.

Tattoo- Jasper
Jasper's unique ability allows him to become 2-dimentional on human skin. He acts as a sort of Kevlar/armor, absorbing the impact of blows and blocking punctures, and looks like an extremely realistic tattoo. His UA has both a time limit and a damage limit; if he exceeds either he will pop off the skin and back into his 3D form.

In A Fog- Chthulu
Like normal cephalopods, Chthulu was born with an ink sac. His ink is released through his antennae or the tips of his tentacles in a cloud, and when breathed in it causes a feeling of anxiety. The ink leaves a deep blue, but washable, stain.
As a newborn this is only a light anxiety, as if you forgot your keys or don't remember whether or not you turned the stove off.

Newton's Law - Newton
Newton can create a bubble barrier from his orb that will exude the same force that is put against it, creating a constant equilibrium as stated by Newton's 3rd Law.

Armour - Eau
Eau literally becomes Rémi’s armour. He stretches his body and alters it to better fit around his owner, or another person. The amount of body he can cover is limited by his own size, while the defensive capabilities improve through the stages. (This is the only time his body can ‘change’, and this is only to make it so that he can move with a human body, with the same limitations of limb movement, etc)

Breathless- Maari (AGILITY ELDER)
Maari can hold her breath for long periods of time without experiencing any adverse side effects.

Acceleration - Gio
True to his stat, Gio will be incredibly agile and fast on land and water once he hatches. (His toes are webbed to help him swim.) He uses his legs to propel him forward on land and water. Essentially, running, jumping, swimming, etc. Just extraordinarily fast for something his size and weight.

Quick Scan - Bingo
Bingo has the ability to scan a place with great speed, both with only his eyes or by actively searching around the room until he finds whatever,or whoever he's looking for. He aids himself with his ears and nose when it's possible.

Levitate - Eyevo
He is able to float in the air giving him more speed and stream-line.

Wind cutter- Kleos
By moving his forearms at lighting speed, he can cut through objects with his steel "paws"

Drill Driver- Cotton
Using this, Cotton can spin his body to perform rapid barrel rolls as an offensive manouver. As a newborn, however, he's clumsy with this and gets dizzy after only a few rotations.

Distraction- Ballard
Ballard glows brightly and it distracts you, forgetting what was happening for a moment.

Shark Skin- Tiburon
Tiburon's smooth skin grows placoid scales as both a defense mechanism and an adaptation to help her swim more quickly in water. These are shed after an hour. They can be shed more quickly if she wants them to be shed.

Dreams and Nighmares - Siyo La (INTELLIGENCE ELDER)
    Siyo La can telepathically dip into the minds of others to access their dreams, fears, nightmares, and imagination. She can then bring said dreams, fears, nightmares, and imaginations into the real world through telepathic, holographic projections.
    She can make these projections visible to a single person or an entire room full of people, depending, and the projections look, smell, sound, and feel completely real to anyone under her influence. They cannot, however, do any actual damage- all the pain is in her victim's minds. When she stops using her UA, any wounds or pain her projections caused cease to exist, since they existed only in her victim's imagination.
    If something can be imagined, she can create it. However, she cannot generate anything from her own mind on her own; she must draw from the fantasies and imagination of others.

All in the details- Aurnia (ELDER)
Able to magnify a persons ability to remember facts and details.

Telepathy- Zivah (ELDER)
Zivah can telepathically communicate through words, feelings, or images, and read the thoughts of others.

Technopath - Hades
Is able to communicate (and/or manipulate) with anything technological. He can also use the USB in his tail to connect to any USB port so he can 'recharge' his energy (since he is unable to eat or sleep).

Mechanical Affinity - Cornelius
Cornelius acts as a guide to Jonathan when in the middle of inventing. He just seems to know what machines and microchips would go well together and which ones would blow up in Jonathan's face. A true asset as Jonathan invents.

Inspiration Burst - Pan
Pan sends off a small explosion of bright light around it, to temporarily blind enemies.

Audio-Physical Location - Talos
When Talos hears something, he can mentally picture whatever made the sound and then make a considerably accurate guess on where the source of the sound is. Accuracy and the clarity of the mental picture improve as he ages

Catalyst - Sherlock
Can create chemical additives to create favorable reactions when merged with other chemical compounds by wringing out the chemicals from her sleeve like hands. She can only create mild and base chemicals currently and can only make minor things like vinegar.

Tin Foil Hat - Melvin and Henna
Melvin and Henna can shield a target's mind from the advances and control of other telepathic EGGs. While powerful each on their own, working together they can create a near impregnable barrier.

Inception - Darwin
Darwin can share telepathic mental images. At max, he can influence someone to take an action by putting a seed of an idea, though a strategically placed image, inside their head without them realizing it. He can do this with varying success at other stages. His UA doesn't necessarily need to be used to influence others: he can also use it to directly transplant images into someone's head for storytelling purposes.
However, emotional distress, be it his or his owners', cripples his Unique Ability, even going so far as to render it completely useless.

Smoky trap - Rhett (DEATH ENERGY ELDER)
Rhett uses his mouth and the small, tail-like gland he has to make and manipulate smoke strands as one would a rope. He usually uses it to weave spiderwebs and traps. He can make the smoke intangible or solid to touch and can will it to solidify only when they are breached by certain people, animals, objects or EGGs while retaining it intangibility for everyone else. The only pre-existing smoke he can use is any smoke produced by Scarlett.
The smoke looks similar to cigarette smoke but cannot be inhaled and is thus without smell. Any pre-existing smoke he takes will lose the ability to be inhaled as well. When not needed anymore, the smoke simply dissolves into thin air.

Toxic Strike - Qeb
When placed in a dangerous situation, Qeb is able to secrete toxins from his tail and teeth that when hit with give off the same effects as Hemlock. The results cause painful convulsions and even death.

Tar Strings - Nero
Along with being able to release his natural ability venom through his teeth and nails/claws he can send his venom through strings off tar that he sends out and attaches to his target

Spirited Bones - Kachina
Kachina is able to manipulate her bones away from her "heart" to various degrees. The strength of these motions is determined in a way like that of electric fields: the farther from their default positions, the weaker the motions. This strength is shown by the smoke encaged in her bones: the denser the smoke, the stronger her field is. In addition to being able to manipulate the distance, she is also able to bend her bones somewhat.

Necrotic Retrocognition - Fury
Fury is capable of looking into the past to see the moment of a person's death.

Shadow Drop - Loft
Loft can use this unique ability to hide in shadows large enough to fit her. As a newborn, it is only able to be used for hiding, and she can drop straight down into a shadow and rise out of it, though only for a few minutes at a time as a Newborn

Solid Shadow - Julian
Julian can produce a vapor that quickly becomes solid-ish and translucent, acting like camouflage. Since it is translucent, it isn't perfect camouflage, but can buy time for an escape. Once it wears off, it disolves back into a vapor, similar to a fading smoke bomb, leaving the area much tougher to breathe in. The vapor left behind always fades away. If someone were to touch it while it was kind of solid it would burn the skin, but feel like touching rice paper.

Echolocation - Galifrey
Like a bat, Galifrey can find her way through dark places by sending out a a shriek. The further things are from her, the less detail she'll be able to make out. That holds true for all of her levels. The following room sizes are the max at which she can discern any detail at all in each respective level.

Midnight Air - Turk
Turk can create translusent smoke that makes the room cold like night

Miracle Gel - Awa (LIFE ENERGY ELDER)
Awa’s tail is made up of a gel like substance with healing properties. Always slightly cold, it helps close wounds and speeds the natural healing process. To use it, the wound has to be enveloped in the substance, which is essentially sticking the affected area into Awa’s tail since it’s all attached to her and cannot leave her body. Touching the gel feels like sticking your hand into jell-o, however once you stop touching it, it’ll be completely dry, if only slightly cold.

Multipurpose - Remedy
Remedy's hands can shape shift into just about any tool, but primarily surgical tools.

Herbal Mist - Eir
Eir lets out a vapor that is supposed to help calm and heal a person from the inside when the person takes the vapor into their system. She has various vapors that range from flowers to a more medicinal scents.

Pain, Pain, Go Away -Ipo
Has the ability to drain a person/egg of negative symptoms such as burning, itching, allergic reactions, sickness, pain, etc., however he himself feels the effects.

Patch - Angelo
The pads on Angelo's front feet can deliver a dose of medicine depending on what the sick person needs. He sticks his paws on the patient's neck and holds them there for a couple of minutes. His leaves little pinkish paw prints when using his UA, which gradually disappear over the course of a few hours while the drugs are absorbed into the blood stream.

Volcanic Ash - Pompeii
Pompeii releases a type of ash like substance that can be collected together in liquid form and then used as a lotion.

Anti-Depressent - Elphaba
With her retractable, needle-nails Elphaba can administer endorphins directly into the system- making the target happy, less sensitive to pain, and less stressed.

Numb Bite - Ellie Mae
Ellie Mae has two short, needle-like fangs. These are collapsible; she only extends them when they are in use. They deliver a numbing anesthetic to the victim. She has the ability to regulate dosage amount, and can administer a full dose every hour.

Moon Cycle - Lou
The strength of Lou's natural Life Energy abilities depends on the phase of the moon. During a full moon, her healing abilities are at their strongest, whereas at the other end of the spectrum during the new mon, they are at their weakest. Between these, her abilities either get stronger or weaker depending if the moon is going from new to full, or full to new. During the times her abilities are at their weakest, she usually spends it sleeping because she rarely if ever sleep during the full moon.

Jelly Belly - Malle
Malle's stomach jelly that can be shoveled out of him using a hand or spoon can be rubbed on skin to sooth pain and heal. This leaves a deep red stain on the skin or any clothes it touches which fades after 8 hours.

Crocodile Tears - Lino
His tears act as a booster to the immune system, as such speeding up the visible affliction, but when drunk the tears are effective in reducing the symptoms of an illness (ie cold, flu and other viruses). Although, they reduce symptoms and heal superficial wounds, they are not very effective a pain killer.

Body Paint - Miękki
Using his small claws, he is able to take a sample of healthy skin cells and mix it in a solution that his body naturally creates under his fluff. Depending on the area that needs coverage, it can take between a few minutes to almost 2 hours before the solution is done. Once complete, he uses the brush like tip of his tail to gently cover the wounded area to regrow the skin cells. This ability works primarily on those that have been burned in any way (fire, chemical, cold), those that suffer from some sort of disease or infection that rots away healthy skin, or suffered a wound that ripped away a chunk of skin.

Cocoon Cuddle - Phobos
Using either his arms or his whole body, Phobos encircles an EGG or owner and induces a soothing, calming feeling. This helps calm down and dissolve tension within the Dorms, should there be any.

Insta-switch - Soe and Lua (ELEMENTAL ENERGY ELDERS)
Soe and Lua teleport, changing places in the blink of an eye in order to balance the other's weakness when they are faced with such. They have a sort of telepathic link that informs the other what the situation they are going to be teleported into is like. They can teleport from any distance without trouble or lag.

Shock Wave (Air) -Pablo
Pablo is a very audible EGG, but if he concentrates and lets loose a loud bark it can cause some damage.

Shine Aqua Illusion (Water) - Levi
Different from the original ability the name was pulled from, Levi's unique ability is to use water to create illusions. To do this, he manipulates a wall or covering of water to reflect light in a certain way. He can also use this to make himself or an object seemingly disappear into a background. It works much like the technology that is called active camouflage. Alice decided on the name; it is a secret giggle for her.

Living Doll (Air) - Patch
He can't be damaged by slashes or the like as he can just pull his stuffing back in and have it sewed back up. Ideal for first aid. As he grows its usefulness to him increases, and he can recover from more serious wounds, etc, in the same way.

Solar Frost (Water) - Faust
By collecting and storing sunlight in his skin, Faust can create a layer of ice/crystal on his body to make himself glow. However, it lasts only as long as he was in sunlight.

Contrail (Air) - Celeste
If she focuses and flies fast enough, she can force the air at the tips of her wings to condense, forming small, Celeste-sized contrails. They dont last long, but as she grows the contrails become easier for her to form and manage. SHe can form them for a variety of purposes, from escape to art to confusing enemies.

Vibration Sensor (Earth) - Becket
Becket can listen to the ground and hear everything under it like ants, gophers and spiders. He can also use this to tell where the critters are exactly.

Blacklight (Fire) - Circe
Circe is able to make other objects light up/glow by touching them.

Petaldance (Earth) - Kier
So long as Kier is on dirt ground, flowers and grasses spring up in his footsteps. They are actually made of the soil he steps on, which crumbles back to its original form shortly after appearing.

Avatar (Water) - Andromeda
Andromeda can summon and bend water into animated shapes, adjusting the surface tension so the outside of each avatar is smooth and solid. She uses these primarily to move around, as her tiny size and inability to survive outside of water make it impossible for her to do so otherwise.

Bubble Ray (Water) - Blu
Blu has the ability to create bubbles by drinking water. If she drinks water, she can turn the water into bubbles and spit them out of her mouth. The amount of bubbles she can create will increase as she evolves.

Spitfire (Fire) - Elliott
Can spit fireballs in a variety of colors and sizes. Colin seems to think that they look like fireworks from a roman candle.

Shake It Up (Earth) - Gaia
When Gaia normally walks nothing exactly happens, but when she starts stomping it's another matter. She can make the earth around shake and move like a earthquake. As she gets older, the range will increase.
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